Mark speaks on a number of subjects to large audiences, both "day speeches" during organisational functions and "dinner speeches".

He likes to share his global experience of leadership or management with how these are fundamentally different activities while explaining how to combine them more effectively.

Sometimes he is asked to speak about particular parts of his life's journey when there is something of relevance to the organisation concerned.

ONE off workshops

Mark facilitates a number of individual workshops which are sought as a part of an organisation's desire for an improved culture. These workshops might focus on

"the objectives of the organisation - is our vision the right one, ambitious and realistic"

* what the organisation "carries" - it's own afflictions

* understanding what the blockages are and on which of the three dimensions - stone, water and wine

* identifying the aspects of the organisation which will make change easier so that we can "go with the grain"

* how the leadership team is functioning together, and the effect they are having on their own organisation

* identifying at what level of the organisation we can find the most prominent blockages or leaks of spirit

* understanding which aspects of the water dimension are our greatest "headwinds"

* once the particular challenge of the organisation is understood, Mark may suggest an individually tailored workshop but he is never shy to decline if the need does not match his expertise


The journey has three phases:

Diagnosis of organisational energy and alignment on the different axes

The organizations of the future will be aligned on all three axes; it is this 'other space' which will distinguish the outstanding environments for individual creativity to develop and sprout. My experience has taught me that harmony between the stone and the water is not enough; the wine must be in alignment too.

The diagnosis can be short, in one location a quick assessment can be made in two days. Following interviews and one or two workshops of a couple of hours we can jointly see where we want to go, where the favourable winds are, what icebergs we might encounter, and share intuition about the organizational drive.

A giant step is accomplished once an organisation knows itself enough to move in the right direction. We can change our focus as the process unfolds, but we need a certain degree of clarity to begin.

Facilitation of joint approaches to enhance the organisational energy and drive

In the second phase we begin the identified journey, whilst continually getting a deeper hold on what we first found. Perhaps there were layers we missed when we first looked. Or something changed that we need to take into account. This stage is longer than the first and will take weeks or a few months. It should reconfirm what we thought or cause us to make modifications once we begin the initial process to change. Over time a consensus will grow around where we need to re-vision, re-design, modify, enhance, stop or start, or whatever the organization needs to move towards a better direction. 

Our unique organizational path with be better determined during this second step.

Implementation and the working through on the journey

Even for those organizations where the blockages or leaks are known, the challenge is then in the “working through”.

The coaching and facilitation of the longer term approach to a more harmonious outcome is developed jointly during the second phase. However much may be uncertain and the path may vary as we go along so flexibility is essential.  Winds and currents may change as well as key players in the organization.